I have a fear of man.

I don’t like doing things I’m not good at-for fear of looking stupid. I’m concerned about what others think of me. I can be self-conscious in ministry. But I want these chains to be broken. I don’t want fear holding me back this year, or in my life.

I want to view myself as a vessel. Just that. A vessel. It’s really not about me, or what I can offer. I don’t have to take myself so seriously. Sure, maybe I will look silly acting out a skit for kids or trying to communicate in broken Spanish. But I think going for it, and not holding back will bring goodness! God has created me uniquely and He has good things to say through me.

Sometimes, the evil one wants to hold us back and cause us to question ourselves. But I think God wants us to give Him the broken pieces. We can give him our “not-enoughs”, because He will take it and do miracles with it. Just like when Jesus feeds the 5,000 men. He took the broken pieces that His disciples had gathered, He multiplied it and He fed a multitude. The few scraps that the disciples gathered were never going to be enough to feed all the people. But when they placed it in Jesus’ hands, He did a miracle. We don’t have to have it all together in order for Him to use us. We don’t serve a God who can simply and only do what we are able to-that’d be silly. We are talking about the God who created the stinkin cosmos! This God, of course, can do far more than we ever imagined.

Our God is not bound by my limitations. If I give Him something to work with, He will take care of the rest.


Peace and blessings homies,



From megmccluskey.theworldrace.org

From megmccluskey.theworldrace.org

From megmccluskey.theworldrace.org

From megmccluskey.theworldrace.org