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my time in Gainesville

Here is an inside look at my time in Gainesville! August 2016 Center for Global Action For those of you who don’t know, I moved to Gainesville, Georgia on January 29th to be apart of the Center for Global Action…


C.S. Lewis wrote: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, he speaks in our conscience, but He shouts in our pain:it is His megaphone to raise a deaf world. Pain insists on being attended to.” I wanted to write a…


There’s an old story in the Bible about God’s people, the Israelites when they were walking through the wilderness. The Israelites tended to grumble and complain about their hunger, even stating that it was better for them while they were…

no more rulers

“hey, I’m so glad you’re here.” I was out of Georgia for about a month. It was my first day back in the office for a while, and we were beginning the week like we do almost every Monday. The…


I woke up early Sunday morning to head to Atlanta. There was no late-morning brunch or sleeping in for me. It was actually still dark and chilly out when I woke up and got ready, which I think is a…


Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is different from…


Do you like laughing? I love laughing. What’s your favorite thing to laugh at? Humor is truly an infectious thing. One person begins laughing and then others join in. Recently, I’ve found myself beginning to laugh at how hard other…


Is something that I’m currently learning a little bit about. It’s something that we all need, but don’t always live as though each and everyone of us are in desperate need for. The biggest ways and areas that I struggle…