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Is something that I’m currently learning a little bit about. It’s something that we all need, but don’t always live as though each and everyone of us are in desperate need for.

The biggest ways and areas that I struggle to give grace, is actually to myself.

Yes, I know, it’s not surprising. It’s not surprising because I’m willing to guess that so many of us also struggle in giving grace to ourselves.

We all have a tape playing in our minds. What does your tape say about you?
Is it a kind, and encouraging tape?
What about when you make a mistake? What does your tape play then?
What does it play about your past? Your past sin struggles?
Is your tape critical of you? Does it tell you you aren’t enough? Or too much?

Im willing to bet that the tape we play in our minds, is not always uplifting and encouraging.

I’ll just speak for me personally. Ha, my tape, my tape can be cruel and critical. My tape can put me down. It’s saying you should do more, you should do better, you are never good enough.

It’s interesting though, because although my thoughts about myself are discouraging and unloving, I expect to have completely different language and outlook on those around me. How does that even make sense? Spending all day in my head with negative thoughts and feelings, yet I expect other things to come out of my mouth. And they do, for the most part. I’ve become a master at biting my tongue. But I’ll be honest, the critical spirit of myself, is the same critical spirit I can have with others sometimes, maybe not out loud, but in my heart.

This week I’ve learned that where it all starts, is being kind to ourselves. Which I know sounds really corny and cheesy, but I think it’s true! And I think having the freedom to be kind and speak kindly to ourselves, starts with knowing who we are. Knowing our value. Knowing where our identity comes from. It’s from being rooted and confident in our identity as sons and daughters. And the Lord is showing me that I need my roots to grow a little deeper. It’s time to add another layer, to go into deeper waters of my identity in the Lord.