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Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Forgiveness is different from condoning (failing to see the action as wrong and in need of forgiveness), excusing (not holding the offender as responsible for the action), pardoning (granted by a representative of society, such as a judge), forgetting (removing awareness of the offense from consciousness), and reconciliation (restoration of a relationship).

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

As we age, things that we’ve done—or that were done to us—carry tremendous emotional weight. Let them go.

Have you ever held onto things that you know you needed to forgive? I think we have all been there. Last week, in one of my classes we learned 12 steps that help with forgiveness. I want to share these steps with you.

1) Ask the Lord to bring to mind people you need to forgive, and things you need to release.

2)Acknowledge the hurt. State what you are forgiving/releasing-be specific.

3)Take a moment to recognize significance of Christ/the cross

4)Decide you will bear the consequences of their sin against you

5)Decide to forgive. The Lord will not heal, if you do not allow Him

6)Take the list to God. State offenses and how it made you feel

7)Destroy the list

8)Don’t expect forgiveness to change their behavior or memory

9)Try to understand person, but don’t rationalize behavior

10)Expect positive results of forgiveness

11)Thank God for the lessons you’ve learned

12)Be sure to accept your part of the blame from the lesson you’ve learned. Confess failures to God and others you trust.


These are the 12 steps! They are pretty challenging and it’s important to give yourself grace for wherever you are at. Let the Spirit lead you.