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Yesterday I was “slinging some wings” as I like to refer to my serving position at Buffalo Wild Wings. And it was going to be an unexpectedly long shift. I did not go in at open time expecting to leave the restaurant as we locked the doors for the night, but things happen. 🙂

This job has been interesting because it is not what most people expect to be hearing from an Ohio State graduate, and it is not what I thought I would be doing after spending an amazing 4 years gaining a remarkable education. It wasn’t in my plan. But neither was leaving for an 11 month mission trip with a backpack. But I needed a job during that “in-between time.” For the record, I have come to love my job. I have so much fun. Sure, some days it’s hard to get my butt to work, but once I do, I enjoy it. I like my coworkers and I like talking to all kinds of guests that walk through our doors.

Which brings me to last night. I had served all day through the rush of the Bills football game and things had slowed down quite a bit. Then a family from Colombia sat in my section. Only one member from the family spoke English and they were dying to try some wings that make Buffalo famous.

I had a million things left to do, several empty tables of mine had not been bussed in an hour, I had more guests to take care of, but my heart was SO HAPPY that I got to stop and take a few minutes to talk with this family. After they ate their wings and had an American beer, I decided to sit down with them at their table and talk with them. They asked me if I spoke Spanish and so we proceeded to share back and forth in broken Spanglish. I told them about my trip that is coming up in 3 weeks, and they were both touched and excited. They encouraged me and told me that it might get long and hard, but that the Lord was always going to be with me. They gave me tips on how to become better at my Spanish and I told them about how I first fell in love with the language and culture in the Dominican Republic when I was 14. They told me I was sweet and kind, and a good server.

Eventually, I had to go check on another table and I thought this family would still be there when I returned, but they weren’t, which makes sense because they told me about their very early flight in the morning. I wanted a photo with them or something to document this! But alas, I don’t have one. But I will always have this special memory that occurred during the middle of a 13 hour shift, where the Lord blessed me with this Colombian family, and where two of my worlds combined and my excitement for my trip heightened. I know it may seem very small, but I do believe that this was a true gift and blessing from the Lord. He takes care of us in all different kinds of ways. They came to MY restaurant and sat in MY section, and I don’t believe that it was just “random”. It was designed by the Lord.

I may not have the most glamorous job around, and typically I would not describe my job as “instagram worthy”. But I have been incredibly blessed by working here. The Lord has taught me so much because of it. I have found that there still can be meaning and purpose in everything we do, if we choose to see it. The Lord is close to us, and He takes care of us because He dearly loves us.